Why choose Double-glazed Windows Melbourne?

One of the most intelligent ways to improve your home’s thermal efficiency and value is to invest in double-glazed windows. Residents in Melbourne have found that replacing their single-glazed windows with double-glazing quickly improved the energy efficiency of their homes.

Reducing the heat loss of your home becomes possible by opting for double-glazed windows Melbourne.

Reasons to choose Double-glazed Windows

Going for double-glazed windows gains the following benefits, to include:

Boost up the value of your home

Double-glazing the windows of your home earns it an Energy Performance Certificate. This certificate immediately boosts the value of your home up to 10%.

Homes that have double-glazed windows and doors quickly sell compared to those using only single glazing. However, it must be noted that the type of double glazed windows and property are the determinants for the added value.

For instance, if you have got a period piece home, using timber glazed windows and doors will surely shoot up the value of the property. However, using uPVC glazing on your period-piece home will not reflect the original features. This will make the home not as attractive in value and aesthetics.

Home becomes more secure

Double glazing can enhance the security of your home in two ways. Double glazed windows are tougher to force open because of their tighter seal. The windows are also harder to break because of the use of the second pane of glass. Intruders will find it a tougher task to smash your windows to gain entry.

Reduce heat loss

Double glazing has been found to significantly decrease heating costs. Installing double glazing has also been discovered to make homes warmer during the winter months.

One of the worse conductors of heat is air. This means that windows with single glazing effectively conduct heat out of a home. You end up heating the outdoors rather than keeping it comfortable and warm.

Double glazing the windows of your home traps the air between the two panes of glass. This prevents the heat from escaping the room of your home. The best way to describe this process is like layering clothes to stay warm and comfy.

Gaps in your old windows also produce draughts. Double glazing your windows does not need to change them completely; they just need to be updated to gain the most benefit.

Triple glazing is probably the best way to further reduce heat loss. Or you can use heavy blinds and curtains over your double-glazed windows to further insulate your home from the cold.

Stop window condensation

Regularly wiping the condensation formed on your windows during winter is probably one of the most irritating and time-consuming tasks to do. Condensation is bound to happen on a property with high humidity unless it is dehumidified or well-ventilated. This is because condensation forms when a cold surface is touched by warm air.

Double-glazed windows produce less condensation because of the warmer interior glass pane. However, while the barriers created by your double-glazed windows may reduce condensation, the level of moisture remains the same.

A quieter and warmer home is the topmost benefit provided with double-glazing the windows and doors of your home. The right double-glazing type and style perfect for your home’s design is the first step. We are here to help you select and install the best double-glazed type and style for your windows and doors. Contact Maven Double Glazing in Melbourne.


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